Dr Sultan Adal Mehmood

Assistant Professor


Dr Sultan Adal Mehmood joined University of Education, Lower Mal campus as assistant professor in E&BA department. Dr Sultan completed his sixteen years of education with degrees in Criminology & Security Studies as well as in Political Science from University of the Punjab, Lahore. After that in 2015 he was selected in scholarship for Masters leading to PhD program by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. He did his MBA in general management from Putra Business School (Accredited: AACSB, ABEST21, MQA), University Putra Malaysia. Subsequently, he embarked on his PhD studies in management sciences focusing on behavior of the employees in public sector organizations. He achieved GOT award from UPM for completing PhD in two and half years. 

Dr Sultan Adal has recently completed NFDP training by National Academy of Higher Education, HEC and received best presenter award. He has also involved in various research projects. He has published in internationally recognised journals and presented his scholarly work in numerous research conferences in Kuala Lumpur, Bali, Bangkok, Singapore, Maldives and Sydney.

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