University Scholarships
The University awards merit scholarships to the brilliant students. University has allocated Rs. 22.0 million for merit scholarships. The merit scholarships will
st nd be awarded to 1 year students on basis of merit at the time of admission and merit scholarships to the 2 year and subsequent years will be awarded on the
basis of result of previous year's internal assessment and result of University comprehensive examination where applicable.
Students who will pass their examinations by parts in 2 or subsequent years will not be eligible for the merit scholarship.
Need Based
University awards need based scholarships to the needy students. Need based scholarships will be awarded to 10% of total students of each program.
These scholarships will be awarded on following criteria
- A student will be eligible if his/her parent's/guardian's declared monthly income (from all resources is Rs. 15000/- or less.
- The conditions of passing examination in first go without appearing in re-sit exam, will not be applicable for UE need based
- In case received applications exceed the limit of 10% per program then preference in award of UE need based
scholarship will be given to student with lowest parent's/guardian's income
- If 2 or more student have same parent's/guardian's income then merit will be considered for award of UE need based scholarship
- If 2 or more student have same parent's/guardian's income and also have same marks then the preference will be given to:
- Rural over urban students
- Female students over male students
Other Scholarships
Punjab Education Endowment Fund (PEEF)
PEEF scholarships are funded by the Government of Punjab. These scholarships will be awarded to the students fulfilling following criteria:
- Students having Punjab domicile
- Secured at least 60% marks or minimum CGPA 2.5 in BA./BSc/BBA/BCS/BS/BCom or equivalent from Punjab.
- Passed the examination as a regular student from
- Government institution
- Private affiliated institution or as private candidate
- Secured admission as a full time student in the current academic year in public sector university/degree awarding institution of Punjab
- Declared monthly income of parents/guardian (from all resource) is Rs. 15000/- or less
- Not received any other scholarship for studies
- Students must satisfy the criteria for award of financial aid of the respective University/Higher Education institution
Directorate of Public Instruction (DPI)
The directorate of Public Instructions (Colleges) offers these merit scholarships on the following terms and conditions
- The scholarship will be offered to those students who have passed Intermediate examination in the current year
- The applicant must have secured at least 60% marks in intermediate
- The scholarship will be governed by the policy of the Education Department, Government of Punjab.
Pak Canada Debt Swap Project (PCDSP)
Pak Canada Debt Swap Project will be awarded on the following criteria
- Merit for award of scholarships will be formulated amongst those who will be the students of morning classes
- Scholarships will be awarded to all, public sector (Punjab Govt.) elementary level teachers, irrespective of morning and evening classes.
- Proportionate number of scholarships will be granted to each college.
- Merit list of each college, both for BEd students will be prepared separately, on the basis of their proportionate number of scholarships
- Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of %age of marks obtained in BA/BSc or equivalent, if two or more students have equal marks then the merit
will be formulated on the basis of %age of FA/FSc or equivalent and similarity, on matriculation marks %age, if some students have equal marks in above
exams then preference will be given to:
- Female students over male students
- Likewise, rural students over urban students