Dr. Sajid Mahmood

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Education, Lahore Vehari Campus

-Pakistan. Tel:+92-3332316653(Pakistan) E-mail: sajid.mahmood@ue.edu.pk, drsajidu@gmail.com

BSc from Government Emerson College Bosan Road, Multan, Pakistan (GEC Multan), MSc form Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan. Ph.D from the University of Karachi (UoK), Sindh Pakistan.

Dr. Sajid Mahmood, Assistant Professor of Organic and Natural Product Chemistry. He has, since 2011, been among the chemistry department in the field of natural product chemistry as well as pharmaceutical chemistry and has made more than 12 nutraceutical products and vigorous contributions in the discovery of novel natural products. He worked as Senior Research Fellow at International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences H.E.J Research Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi (UoK), Sindh Pakistan. He served as a Senior Manager Research in Bentham Science Publisher (Pvt) Karachi. 

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