Dr. Saba Hanif

Assistant Professor

HEC Approved Supervisor

Journal Papers:

Sr # Description
1 What Predicts Religious Tolerance? Education or Religiosity in Pakistan's Multi-religious Society, International Journal on Minority and Group Rights (2020), Saba Hanif, Majid Hassan Ali & Janelle Carlson, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/15718115-02702005 (HEC Recognized, X Category, Impact Factor: 0.57)
2 Religious Extremism, Religiosity and Sympathy toward the Taliban among Students across Madrassas and Worldly Education Schools in Pakistan, Terrorism and Political Violence (2019), Saba Hanif, Majid Hassan Ali, Faiza Shaheen, DOI: 10.1080/09546553.2018.1548354, (Impact factor 2019: 1.79, HEC Recognized, W category, Medallion Gold).

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