Dr. Muhammad Faizan Nazar

Associate Professor


Sr # Description
1 Awarded indigenous scholarship for PhD 2007-2011, HEC, Pakistan.
2 Awarded IRSIP scholarship for PhD 2009-2010, HEC, Pakistan.
3 Research Productivity Award 2011-12, Pakistan Council for Science and Technology.
4 Research Productivity Award 2012-13, Pakistan Council for Science and Technology.
5 First Position in Research Publication @ Research Award 2017, University of Gujrat.
6 Third Position in Thomson Reuters Impact Factor @ Research Award 2017, University of Gujrat.
7 Invited Lecture, Koblenz, Germany supported by European Cooperation in Science and Technology under COST Action ES1205, Feb 16, 2016
8 Travel Grant (Rs. 226,240) from HEC for 6th Asian Conference on Colloid and Interface Science (ACCIS2015) on November 24-27, 2015 in Arkas, Japan
9 Travel Grant (Rs. 326,294) from PHEC for International Symposium (ISSP-18) on July 15-20, 2018 at Tours, France
10 Project (NRPU-4557) granted by HEC Pakistan of 5.94 Millions. (as PI)
11 Project awarded by HEC Pakistan of 3.99 Millions (HEC/R&D/NRPU/2017/8796). (as PI)
12 Project awarded by HEC Pakistan of 4.2 Millions (20-17321/NRPU/R&D/HEC/2021 2021). (as PI)

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