Dr Sajid Ali

Associate Professor

HEC Approved Supervisor


Sr # Description
1 Post Doctoral study Scholarship,China 2013
2 PhD Study Scholarship,China, 2010
3 Merit Scholarship during MS(CS) study Scholarship, National bank of Pakistan, Pakistan, 2004
4 Merit Scholarship during MSc(CS) study, Agriculture University, Faisalabad, Pakistan,2002
5 Graduate Summer School: Fundamental of Fuzzy System, School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing,China, 2015
6 Graduate Summer School: Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beihang University, Beijing,China, 2014
7 Annual School Function Performance, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, 2012
8 Chinese Cooking Food, Beijing,China, 2014
9 HEC PhD Approved Supervisor (2022-2025)

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