University Opening Notification
The second edition of the book “Education Policies in Pakistan; Politics, Projections, and Practices” by renowned educationist and former Vice Chancellor Allama Iqbal Open University Prof. Dr. Shahid Siddiqui was unveiled at the Township Campus of University of Education, Lahore yesterday. The Book launching ceremony was organized by University of Education, Lahore and Oxford University Press jointly. The author Prof. Dr. Shahid Siddiqui along with renowned educationist and Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Talat Naseer Pasha (S.I.), Sales Director, North, Oxford University Press, Fayyaz Hussain Raja, Dean, Beachonhouse National University, Prof. Dr. Tariq Rehman, Director Academics, School of Education, LUMS, Dr. Faisal Bari, Director Centre for Governance and Policy, Information Technology University, Dr. Yaqub Bangash and a large number of students attended the ceremony.
Speaking on the occasion, Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Talat Naseer Pasha (S.I.) said that Dr. Shahid Siddiqui's book "Education Policies in Pakistan" is the pulse of the educational situation of the Pakistan, with it we can not only sort out the issues but also solved them. This book covers all aspects of the education system of the country, I think this book will serve as a guide for every teacher and they must study it. Dr. Pasha said that this book attempts to critically study the education policies in Pakistan in a holistic manner. The rationale for the education policy and its planning process are discussed in detail. It also attempts to understand the processes of planning and implementing education policies through a sociopolitical context. It covers vision and goals; primary, higher, and technical and vocational education; literacy rates; female education; language; special education; religious education; curricula; and teacher education, he added.
Prof. Dr. Shahid Siddiqui in his address said that the best education system is the foundation on which the building of development and prosperity of any country can be erected. Today we have the examples of developed and civilized countries around the world who made education system as a base of their developments and national achievements. Therefore, every Pakistani, especially the educated class, should realize their responsibility and play their role in achieving this goal. At the end of the ceremony, Director Division of Education, University of Education, Dr. Muhammad Ayaz Khan thanked the participants.