I want to do Ph.D. and make my name in the field of teaching, professional writing and research. As a critical thinker, I always aimed to work in an organization like UE that can provide me an atmosphere to execute my intellectual ideas so that I can improve my skills for national and international scholarly discourses.
As a lecturer of English language and Literature, I am a very versatile person. For me, teaching is a very sacred profession and I intend to bring creativity of my field into the class room environment so that learning can be made interesting. As a creative writer and a teacher at the same time, I prefer to teach aesthetics of language on professional and personal level. I am a profound writer highly experimental and interested in existential crisis. I aim to introduce my own theory of theatre through my plays since I believe theatre in Pakistan has not started in its true aesthetic form. As a researcher, I am mostly interested in contemporary spirituality, sacred spaces and politics of Brown women in Pakistan.
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