Dr. Fouzia Tabssum

Assistant Professor

HEC Approved Supervisor


I am Dr. Fouzia Tabssum Assistant Professor (Zoology) UE Bank Road Campus. I completed my postgraduate education from Institute of Zoology University of Punjab, Lahore with First position in M.phil and University of the Punjab awarded me DPCC scholarship during my M.phil studies. Thereafter I was awarded HEC indigenous Ph.D. scholarship as well as IRSIP (International Research Support Initiative) for University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA). I completed my Ph.D. in 2018. I have been able to publish 24 research/review articles and 1 chapter in a book. My impact factor is 40 whereas Google scholar citations have become 339. I have attended 10+ international/national scientific conferences/symposium. I joined University of Education BRC Lahore in 2020. My current initiatives include writing up of research project to promote research culture in graduate students and faculty members as well.

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