Faran Ali



Mr. Faran is an ardent academician with a blend of industry & administrative experience. The distillation of his observation, combined with the lessons and analysis throughout the life in High School, College, and University he deliberately amassed a collection of effective teaching, administrative and counseling techniques which has always yielded satisfactory results as per authority's expectations. Being a graduate of business studies and an ex-banking professional, he has a good industry and corporate knowledge.

He has served corporate sector; Bank AL Habib limited for 4 years at managerial position and currently is in role of teaching since 2015. He has been leading in developing and refining business curricula and assessment of business programs not only for University of Education (UE) but also its affiliated college(s). He also remained involved in multiple administrative duties and is doing this for more than eight years including but not limited to coordinator Student counseling center Division of Management and Administrative Sciences UE and organized loads of seminars, workshops and training sessions under this responsibility. He also served his role as Internship project supervisor, convener and member of different convocation committee(s) at UE along with more than 8 Years experience of Teaching to Graduate and Post-Graduation Classes. Currently, He is also assigned the role of Manager Centre for Professional Development.

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