Faran Ali


Journal Papers:

Sr # Description
1 Adnan, Ali Shahzad, Hafiz Asim, Faran Ali, (2021) Constituting A Root Map Towards Inclusive Growth: A Comparative Analysis Vol. 40 No. 1 (2022): Sports Analytics within Sports Economics and Management https://doi.org/10.25115/eea.v40i1.4525
2 • Iqbal Arif Naqvi, Dr. Hummaira Qudsia Yousaf, Fatima Shaukat, Faran Ali, Irfan Ahmad (2020) Impact of Real Effective Exchange Rate on Balance of Trade: A Case Study of Pakistan. Elementary Education Online, 19 (4), 4224-4242. https://www.bibliomed.org/?mno=85038

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