Dr. Muhammad Sajad

Assistant Professor

HEC Approved Supervisor


Dr. Muhammad Sajjad Malik


In the vibrant academic landscape of the University of Education's Lower Mall Campus in Lahore, the Division of Islamic and Oriental Learning is privileged to have Dr. Muhammad Sajjad Malik as its Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies. Dr. Malik's exceptional contributions to the field of Islamic Studies, coupled with his prolific research output, have positioned him as a prominent scholar and educator in the institution.


Dr. Malik's journey in academia is marked by a tireless dedication to the exploration and dissemination of knowledge related to Islamic studies. His academic achievements within the past three years alone are nothing short of remarkable. During this time frame, he has authored and published more than 50 research articles, contributing significantly to the understanding of Islamic philosophy, culture, and history.


As an Assistant Professor, Dr. Malik not only excels in his research endeavors but also demonstrates a passion for teaching and mentorship. His pedagogical approach is characterized by a commitment to fostering critical thinking and intercultural understanding among his students, preparing them for a world where knowledge of Islamic and Oriental studies is increasingly vital.


Furthermore, Dr. Muhammad Sajjad Malik's dedication extends beyond the classroom and academic publications. He actively engages in dialogues and collaborations with fellow scholars, both within and outside the University of Education. His network of academic connections and the impact of his work extend well beyond the campus, making him a respected figure in the global academic community.


In conclusion, Dr. Muhammad Sajjad Malik's presence as Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies in the Division of Islamic and Oriental Learning at the University of Education's Lower Mall Campus, Lahore, is a testament to the institution's commitment to fostering scholarship, understanding, and intercultural exchange. With his extensive research output and unwavering dedication to his field, Dr. Malik is truly a leading light in the realm of Islamic Studies, and his contributions continue to shape the discourse in this ever-evolving academic field.

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