Dr. Muhammad Ahmad

Assistant Professor


Dr. Ahmad started his PhD program in fall 2014 on prestigious Fulbright Scholarship at the Michigan State University, USA. After successfully passing his entire PhD course work and comprehensive exams from the Michigan State University, Dr. Ahmad moved with his research group to the University of Notre Dame, USA. He completed rest of his research project at the University of Notre Dame and graduated with a PhD in Chemistry (Physical & Analytical Chemistry) in August 2020 under the auspices of Professor Dr. Merlin L. Bruening (a Donald and Susan Rice Professor of Engineering) from the University of Notre Dame, USA. During his PhD program in USA, Dr. Ahmad published his research work in prestigious international journals and presented his research work in NAMS and GORDON conferences of years 2018 and 2019. Dr. Ahmad was awarded with the “Energy Fellowship” too and his PhD research project was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, USA. 


Dr. Ahmad has a distinguished educational career and has the honor of securing several academic certificates of merit and distinctions on securing top positions in his BSc degree from the Government College University Lahore and in his MSc and MPhil degrees from the Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad. Dr. Ahmad enjoys an excellent experience of serving as a Scientific Officer at the Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, as a Teaching and Research Assistant at the Michigan State University, as a Research Assistant at the University of Notre Dame, and as an Assistant Professor at the Lahore Garrison University. He joined the University of Education Lahore as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry in December 2021. His current research interests include achievement of highly selective and current efficient separations of ions in electrodialysis, synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites for their applications as energy storage devices, preparation and applications of transition metal porphyrin complexes, fabrication of biodegradable films, and synthesis of electrode materials for efficient water splitting.

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=_bOEwJkAAAAJ&view_op=list_works 

Impact Factor >130  

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