Dr. Tauseef Anwar

Assistant Professor

HEC Approved Supervisor


Dr. Tauseef Anwar was awarded PhD degree in 2017 from Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology under enrollment of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. After PhD, He worked at COMSATS University Islamabad, University of Lahore and Jiangxi University of Science and Technology. Dr. Tauseef joined University of Education Lahore, Jauharabad Campus at 16th January 2023. His research focuses on key materials and technology for lithium-ion batteries, aiming to enhance the performances of materials by tuning their structure and surface/interface chemistry, on the basis of investigation on the correlations among surface/interface chemistry, synthesis and performances of the materials. In detail, synthesis, characterization and application of different material in lithium-based batteries is main focus. His recent interest is to use new materials in hybrid lithium-ion batteries to solve different main issues of energy storage.

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