Dr Ghulam Mustafa

Assistant Professor

HEC Approved Supervisor


Dr. Ghulam Mustafa did his PhD in Agricultural Economics at Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2017. He did his Bachelor and MPhil from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad in Agricultural and Resource Economics and Agricultural Economics, respectively. He has published about 23 journal articles in reputed local and international journal indexed in SCUPUS and Web of Sciences. He has published five book Chapters in well-known publishers of World like Springer. Currently he is working as assistant professor of Economics at University of Education. His main areas of expertise of agricultural economics, environmental economics and applied economics He found of cooking, eating and carrier counseling of students. He loves to spent time with his daughter, Anabia Shahzadi and son, Malik Muhammad Azlan Tufail. His favourite holiday spot is farmers' fields. If he still finds time after teaching and research, he loves to gossip with students on all issues. 

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