Dr Ghulam Mustafa

Assistant Professor

HEC Approved Supervisor

Books Chapters:

Sr # Description
1 Mustafa, G. (2018). Global Concern of Soil Salinity and its Impact on Various Agro Ecosystem. In Salt stress, Microbes, and Plant Interactions: Causes
2 • Mustafa, G. (2018). Crops and Methods to Control Soil Salinity. In Salt stress, Microbes, and Plant Interactions: Causes and Solution (Volume 1).
3 Mustafa, G., & Iqbal, A. (2021). Economics of Oil Plants: Demand, Supply, and International Trade. Oil Crop Genomics, 393-413.
4 Mustafa, G. (2022). Profitability and Economics Analysis of Bioresource Management. Bioresource Technology: Concept, Tools and Experiences, 504-516.

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