


Ms. Aasma Zaheer is a Lecturer in the Department of Special Education, Division of Education, University of Education, Lahore. She earned her M.Phil. in Special Education degree from the University of the Punjab with the first position. She has Masters in Special Education and BSc. in her credit. She leads courses of Masters and B.Ed. Hons. level in Introduction to Psychology, Introduction to Exceptionalities, Assessment and Evaluation of Special Needs, Introduction to Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Human Growth and Development, Assessment practices for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Research in Special Education, Independent Living Skills for IDD.

She has supervised more than 50 Masters and B.Ed. Hons. level theses in Special Education. She has 10 years of teaching experience as a whole. She started her career as Special Education Teacher and served in Directorate General of Special Education for four years before joining the University of Education in 2019. She has attended many National and International Conferences, workshops, and seminars. 

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