Farhan Sarwar

Associate Professor

Conference Papers:

Sr # Description
1 Fear of terrorism and adjustment of academic sojourners with moderating role of social support” at 1st ICIBM: International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Business Management, University of Central Punjab, Lahore on 14th may, 2011. Research Thesis
2 “Antecedents and Experience of Sexual Harassment at individual and group level” at 3rd SAICON: International Conference on Management, Business Ethics and Economics (ICMBEE), December 28-29, 2011. Pearl-Continental Hotel Lahore, Pakistan conducted by COMSATS Lahore.
3 “Survival of Fittest amongst turbulence, impact of academic PsyCap on stress, achievement motivation and creativity” at 6th South Asian International Conference: Ingenuity, Integration, and Inspiration: The survival of the fittest, August 11-13, 2014. Serena Hotel Islamabad, Pakistan.
4 “Psychological Capital, a unique resource to develop effective managers; relationship with creativity, achievement motivation and stress” at 2nd ASIA Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 10th December 2016.
5 Additive and multiplicative effect of academic faculty’s bi-directional conflict and enrichment on satisfaction with work family balance” at 4th ASIA Conference, LICC, Langkawi, Malaysia. 8-9th December 2018

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