Dr. Muhammad Saleem

Associate Professor


My name is Dr. Muhammad Saleem. Currently working as Associate Professor of Chemistry  at UE campus Dera Ghazi Khan. I have  30 research articles published in different international journals of Chemistry and have one US patent. I supervised 10 MS/M.Phil students at UE campus Dera Ghazi Khan. 04 MS students are under supervision. I have won One HEC project worth of 0.5m and established chemistry lab at UE campus Dera Ghazi Khan and have submitted various projects to HEC, PCST and PSF. My research work is based on  Bio-organic and Medicinal Chemistry. I am teaching the courses such as Medicinal Chemistry, Organic Reaction Mechanism, Reactive Intermediates, Stereochemistry and Reaction Mechanism, Research Methodologies and Advanced Stereochemistry to the students of BS, MSc and MS chemistry at UE campus Dera Ghazi Khan since 2016.

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