Sr # | Description |
1 | Shahbaz Tariq (MPhil Scholar) & Dr. Mubashar Nadeem, Associate Professor, University of Education, Lower Mall Campus, Pakistan “A Critical Discourse Analysis of Imran Khan’s Speech at Global Peace and Unity Forum” (ILLTSFD), held on 7-8 December, 2021. |
2 | “Tackling Oral Communication Skills’ Enigma through Presentations at Higher Education’. Presented at “2nd Sheikh Ayaz International Conference on Language Literature(SAICLL)” Sindh University Jamshoro (7 – 10 Nov. 2008) |
3 | “Effect of the role of teacher in EFL teaching through interactive approach at public sector schools’. Presented at International Conference on Education: School Education in Pakistan: Issues and Visions” Sindh University Jamshoro (26-27 Nov. 2008). |
4 | Learner-Centered English Language Teaching. An Observation: Public & Private Teachers’ Training Systems. Presented at Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi in 1st National Conference on “Empowering Teachers: Practices & Possibilities” held on 3 & 4 March, 2008”. |
5 | ‘Enhancing Communication Skills through Theatrical Techniques’, presented at 2nd international conference entitled ‘Realizing MDGs through Teacher Education’ at University of Education Lahore in September 2010. |
6 | Stress out of Stress: Stressing unaccented Syllables’ Dilemma’. Presented at National Conference “Rethinking bilingualism: new perspectives, challenges and interpretations” on MAY 07- 08, 2010 at Fatima Jinnah University Rawalpindi. |
7 | Riddling Articulation (Situational Analysis of Articulation Performance of the Students of Higher Education). Presented at 27th SPELT International Conference, 22nd October 2011. |
8 | Forgotten Books (Edge of Digital Resources over Print Materials: Information Overpowers Knowledge). Presented at 3rd International conference on Education in Pakistan: Practices and Challenges. University of education Lahore, 6-7 January 2014. |
9 | Character Portrayal in the Documentary Film, “A Girl In The River”: A Transitivity Analysis & English Speaking Anxiety Among in-Service English Teachers in their Role as Students, at 1st International Conference on English Literature, Linguistics and Teaching (ICELLT 2018) Interaction in English: Cross-cultural Awareness and Communication 13-15 December 2018, University of Education, Township Campus, Lahore |
10 | English Speaking Anxiety among in-Service English Teachers In their Role as Students. Presented in 1st International Conference on English Literature, Linguistics and Teaching (ICELLT 2018) Interaction in English: Cross-cultural Awareness and Communication, 13-15 December 2018, Township Campus, Lahore |
11 | Chair: ‘International Conference on Literature, Linguistics, Translation Studies, and Faculty Development’ (ILLTSFD), to be held in December, 2021 |
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