Dr. Humaira Irfan is Associate Professor of English, Division of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Education, Lahore. She pursued MS Applied Linguistics and TESOL and PhD Sociolinguistics from University of Glasgow, UK on UE/Higher Education Commission (HEC) foreign scholarship. She has published a number of national and international research papers and two books. The titles of her books are ˜Testing Creative Writing in Pakistan" and ˜The Policy and Practice of English Medium of Instruction (EMI) in Pakistani Universities". She was awarded a visiting scholar fellowship by University of Exeter, UK in 2018. She received many international awards to present her research papers at higher education international conferences in USA, UK, Turkey and France. She has been an invited national speaker and chair at many international conferences in Pakistan. She has been the trainer of faculty of universities and colleges and judges. She has organized the research conferences, seminars and literary activities for the faculty and students. She has been a toastmaster since 2018 and currently acts as the President UE Toastmasters Club that is chartered with Toastmasters International, USA.
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