Prof. Dr. Muhammad Umer Saleem


HEC Approved Supervisor

Conference Papers:

Sr # Description
1 Saleem, Muhammad Umer., How Mathematical Modeling can be Used in Medical Treatment, OeAD Alumni Talk, November 04, 2019, TU Graz, Austria.
2 Saleem, M U., Stability Analysis of GIG System in Humans, Garrison International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics 2019, April 1-3, 2019, LGU, Lahore, Pakistan.
3 Saleem, M U., Fractional Order Derivative Model for Artificial Pancreas, International Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics 2019, February 20-22, 2019, CUI, Lahore Campus, Lahore, Pakistan.
4 Khalid, Maryam., Saleem, M U., Controllability and Observability of a Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy Model (Poster), 6th International Conference on Education; Science Beyond Classroom, March 15-17, 2018, UE, Lahore, Pakistan.
5 Zahid, A., Saleem, M U., Spanning Simplicial Complex of Wheel Graph Wn, 6th International Conference on Education; Science Beyond Classroom, March 15-17, 2018, UE, Lahore, Pakistan.
6 Farman, M., Saleem, M U., Numerical Analysis of a Fractional Or- der Model for Acute and Chronic Hepatitis B by Using Laplace Adomian Decomposition Method, 6th International Conference on Education; Science Beyond Classroom, March 15-17, 2018, UE, Lahore, Pakistan.
7 Saleem, M U., Control of Augmented Minimal Model, 2nd UMT National Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics, October 5-7, 2017, UMT, Lahore, Pakistan.
8 Saleem, M U., A Linear Control of Hovorka Model, International Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics, December 17-18, 2015, CIIT, Lahore, Pakistan.
9 Saleem, M U., Control for Artificial Pancreas in Human, 1st UMT National Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics, March 7-8, 2015, UMT, Lahore, Pakistan.
10 Saleem, M U., Controllabilty and Observability in GI systems, Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Methods, Models & Applications, April 16-17, 2011, CASM, LUMS, Lahore, Pakistan.
11 Saleem, M U., Seronsen Model for Normal and Type I Diabetes., Seminar on Optimization and Control in Physiological Systems, June 29, 2010, KFU, Graz, Austria.
12 Afzal, Shahzad., Saleem, MU., Using product-like structures in sparse- matrix computations, Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Algebraic Graph Theory in the Celebration of Gert Sabidussi Eightieth Birthday, June 1-7, 2009, Inter-University Center Dubrovnik, Croatia.

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