Naukhaiz Chaudhry


Journal Papers:

Sr # Description
1 Chaudhry, N., Ayaz, M., Wahla, D. K.- ur-R., & Usman, D. M. (2022). Exploring the Relationship between Project Planning and Timely Completion of a Project through Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Empirical Economic Review, 5(2), 01-26.
2 Ali, I., Akhter, W., & Chaudhry, N. (2021). Do Islamic Holy days affect stock returns? Empirical evidence from Asian and African markets. Journal of Islamic Marketing.
3 Wahla, K. U. R., Nazim, M., Rasheed, A., Chaudhry, N., & Nadeem, A. H. Impact of Exponential Growth Bias and Mental Budgeting on Financial Behaviors and Financial Wellbeing Khalil Ur Rehman Wahla1, Muhammad Nazim2, Abdul Rasheed3, Naukhaiz Chaudhry4, Abid Hussain Nadeem5.
4 Chaudhry, N., Roubaud, D., Akhter, W., & Shahbaz, M. (2018). Impact of terrorism on stock markets: Empirical evidence from the SAARC region. Finance Research Letters, 26, 230-234.
5 Arshad, M. A., & Chaudhry, N. Downside Risk and Momentum Effect: A Case Study of Karachi Stock Exchange.
6 Kamran, H. W., Chaudhry, N., Murtaza, M. M., Zafar, N., Yousaf, A., & Nazish, H. (2016). Financial market development, bank risk with key indicators and their impact on financial performance: A study from Pakistan. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 6(03), 373.

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