Dr. Shujah Ur Rahman


HEC Approved Supervisor

Journal Papers:

Sr # Description
1 Shujah-ur-Rahman, Chen, S., Al-Faryan, M. A. S., Ahmad, I., Hussain, R. Y., & Saud, S. (2023). "Audit services and financial reporting quality: The role of accounting expertise auditors." Cogent Business & Management 10(1): 2164142. [X-Category (Clay)] https://doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2022.2164142
2 Shujah-ur-Rahman, Chen, S., Saleem, N., Saud, S., Ahmad, A., Ahmad, F., (2020), "Potential influential economic indicators and environmental quality: Insights from the MERCOSUR economies", Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 13(06). [W-Category (Bronze)/I.F. = 5.804], https://doi.org/10.1007/s11869-020-00833-7.
3 Saleem N., Shujah-ur-Rahman, Jun Z., (2019), "The impact of human capital and bio capacity on environment: Environmental quality measure through ecological footprint and greenhouse gases". Journal of Pollution Effects & Control 7(4), 1-13. (Journal Impact Factor = 6.91), doi:10.35248/2375-4397.19.7.237.
4 Shujah-ur-Rahman, Chen, S., Saud, S., Saleem, N., Bari, M. W., (2019), "Nexus between financial development, energy consumption, income level, and ecological footprint in CEE countries: Do human capital and bio capacity matter", Journal of Environmental Science & Pollution, 26(31), 31856-31872. [W-Category (Silver)/I.F.= 5.190], https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-06343-z.
5 Shujah-ur-Rahman, Chen, S., Saud, S., Bano, S., Haseeb, A., (2019), "The nexus between financial development, globalization, and environmental degradation: Fresh evidence from central and eastern European countries", Journal of Environmental Science & Pollution Research 26(24), 24733-24747. [W-Category (Silver)/I.F. = 5.190], https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-05714-w.
6 Shujah-ur-Rahman, Chen, S., Saleem, N., Bari, M.W., (2019), "Financial development and its moderating role in environmental Kuznets curve: evidence from Pakistan", Journal of Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 26(19), 19305-19319. [W-Category (Silver)/I.F. = 5.190], https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-05290-z.

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