Amina Shahzadi

Assistant Professor

Journal Papers:

Sr # Description
1 “Language assessment literacy of teachers in an English medium of instruction University: Implications for ELT training in Pakistan. Studies in Language Assessment (previously Papers in language testing and assessment). 11(1), 92-118. (2022; HEC recognized Y-category journal; WOS). Co-authored with Dr. Anamaria Ducasse (Senior Lecturer RMIT University Australia).
2 “A stylistic analysis of semantic unity in short story It’s in the Cards” published in PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology, 19(2), 428-436. (2022; Scopus; HEC recognized X-category journal for arts and humanities). Co-authored with Rahat Chaudary & Dr. Abdul Ghaffar Bhatti (University of Education, Lahore).
3 “Transitivity analysis: A study of protagonist’s identity shift in short story ‘Bingo’ written in the perspective of Dhaka Fall 1971” published in Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 3(2), 19–28. (2022; HEC recognized Y-category Journal). Co-authored with Nusrat Sultana & Abdul Ghaffar Bhatti
4 “Speech acts across cultures: A comparative study of Chinese and Pakistani students’ request and politeness strategies” published in Sir Syed Journal of Education & Social Research, 4(2),1-12 (2021; HEC recognized Y-category Journal)
5 “Using social media to improve students' English writing skills: A mixed method study” published in Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 8(1), 124-140. (2021, HEC recognized Y-category journal). Co-authored with Dr. Ghazala Kausar (NUML Islamabad).
6 “Effectiveness of corpus in teaching English synonyms” published in CORPORUM: Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 2(1), 51-66. (2019; HEC recognized Y-category journal)
7 “A new historicist perspective of Thomas Preston’s Cambyses: A lamentable tragedy mixed full of pleasant mirth” published in International Journal of English Linguistics, 9(6). 85-92. (2019; peer-reviewed journal).
8 “Discourse and corpus-based analysis of doctor-patient conversation in the context of Pakistani hospitals” published in European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 8(4), 732-752. (2019; HEC recognized Y-category journal). Co-authored with Muhammad Afzaal & Abdul Ghaffar.
9 Shahzadi, A., & Janjua, F. (2016). Pakistani ESL student’s attitude towards English language grammar: A case study of University of Education Lahore. Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics, 20, 17-22

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