Ammara Farukh


Journal Papers:

Sr # Description
1 Ahmad, M., Farukh, A., Ismail, M. K. A. (2018) Use of Bilingualism at Master Level. Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods, 8,6, 281-289.
2 Ahmad, M., Hayat, S., & Farukh, A.(2018) Comparative Analysis of the Pattern and Style of an Acknowledgement Text.Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods. 8, 5, 523-533.
3 Ahmad, M., Farukh, A., & Ismail, M. K. A. (2018, January). The Cognitive and Social Factors Affecting the Learning of English as a Foreign Language in Children from Grade 8. In BALKANISTIC FORUM (No. 2, pp. 173-181). UL IVAN MIKHAILOV 66, BLAGOEVGRAD, 2700, BULGARIA: SOUTH-WEST UNIV NEOFIT RILSKI.
4 Farukh, A., Irfan, M. & Iqbal, Z., (2018). Evidence of a strong correlation between the achievements in L1 and L2 in grade 5 children. Kashmir Journal of Language Research. 21,1, 29-37.
5 Vulchanova, M., & Farukh, A. (2018). Can phonological awareness predict concurrent reading outcomes in a deep orthography? VIAL, Vigo international journal of applied linguistics, (15), 145-166.
6 Farukh, A., & Vulchanova, M. (2016). L1, quantity of exposure to L2 and reading disability as factors in L2 oral comprehension and production skills. Learning and Individual Differences, 50, 221-233.
7 Farukh, A. and Vulchanova, M. (2014), Predictors of Reading in Urdu: Does Deep Orthography Have an Impact? Dyslexia, 20: 146–166. doi: 10.1002/dys.1474.

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