Dr. Afshan Syed Abbas

Assistant Professor

Journal Papers:

Sr # Description
1 Afshan Syed Abbas , Muddasir Hassan Abbasi , Muhammad Babar Khawar, Sheeba Batool , Faiza Ja been , Asia Shad and Nadeem Sheikh. 2023. Gender linked negative consequences of “Nigella sativa” seeds and “Plantago ovata” husk on fibrosis in the energy rich diet (ERD) induced nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Pakistan Jounal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2023, 3 (2).
2 ABBAS A.S., AND SHEIKH N., 2014. “Counter Effects of N. Sativa and P. ovata on Indicative Markers of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease” Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., 29(1):185-191.
3 TASLEEM AKHTAR1, SHEIKH N., MUDDASIR H. ABBASI AND ABBAS A.S. Effects of Nerium oleander leaves extract against Thioacetamide induced Liver injury. Biologia 60 (1), 37-41.
4 ABBAS A.S., ABBASI M. H., AND SHEIKH N., 2014. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and associated changes in serum hepcidin, iron, ferritin-R levels and total iron binding capacity in weaning wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus). Journal of Animal and Plant Science, 24(2): 418-424.
5 ABBAS A.S., SHEIKH N., MANZOOR F., ASLAM S. AND FARRUKH A. 2015 Effects of Nigella sativa Seeds & Plantago ovata Husk on Fat Rich Diet Induced Inflammatory Responses in Rattus norvegicus. Biologia (Pakistan), 61 (2).
6 ABBAS A.S., MANZOOR F., SHAHZAD K., TANVEER M. AND IQBAL I. 2016. Synthetic pesticides used in Pakistan: their mode of action and toxicity. J. Innov. Sci., 2 (1): 75-87.
7 ABBAS .A. S., MANZOOR F., SHEIKH N., SHAHZAD K., and TANVEER M. 2018. Deltamethrin-induced alteration of iron metabolism in Wistar rats. Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry. 100 (5-7): 601-606.
8 Akram AM. Chaudhary A., Kausar H. Althobaiti F, Abbas AS et al., Analysis of RAS gene mutations in cytogenetically normal de novo acute myeloid leukemia patients reveals some novel alterations. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. 28(2021-3735-3740).
9 Chaudhary A, Akram AM, Aihetasham A., Hussain Z, Abbas AS. etal., Punica granatum waste to ethanol valorisation employing optimized level of saccharification and fermentation. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28(2021) 3710-3719.
10 Tayyab K. Aslam S., Ghauri MA. And Hussain A., Consequential study on different levels of C/N ratios used in biofloc-based aquaculture system. Brazilian Journal of Biology. ISSN 1678-4375.
11 Abbas A S., Akhtar T., Shaheen N., Aslam S., and Sheikh N. Mechanistic study of regulation of iron homeostasis by N. sativa seeds and P. ovata husk on high fat / high sucrose diet induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Molecular biology reports. 49(8): 7417-7424.
12 Hossam F. Abou-Shaara, Afshan Syed Abbas, Saad N. AL-Kahtani, El-Kazafy A. Taha, Khalid Ali etal. Exploring the non-coding regions in the mtDNA of some honey bee species and subspecies. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. Volume 28, Issue 1, January 2021, Pages 204-209

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