Mrs. Safia Asif


Journal Papers:

Sr # Description
1 Shahid, C., Abbasi, I. A., & Asif, S. (2022). Factors Affecting Secondary Level Students' Goal Achievement Performance and SelfWorth in L2 Learning in Pakistan. Global Language Review, VII(I), 310- 324. Journal Paper
2 Shahid, C., Asif, S., & Muhammad, R. (2022). Pedagogies and Challenges in English Language Learning in Undergraduate Programs in Pakistan: A Review. Global Language Review, VII(II), 479-488. Journal Paper
3 Nabi, S. A., Asif, S., Yasir, L., & Imran, M. (2021). LEXICAL VARIATION IN THE MOSAIC OF URDU PROSE. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 18(08), 1193-1204.dd Journal Paper
4 Bhatti, A. G., Asif, S., & Aqeel, M. (2021). REPRESENTATION OF SHAH ABBAS IN EARLY MODERN ENGLISH LITERATURE. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 18(18), 779-791.Add Journal Paper

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