Author’s Guidelines

Specification for Manuscripts

  1. Initially, JRRE accepts the research papers.
  2. The paper should be written in the English language
  3. Manuscripts should be typed on 8½ x 11-inch white paper, upper and lower case, double-spaced in entirety, with 1-inch margins on all sides.
  4. The font size should be 12 points.
  5. Sub-heads should be at reasonable intervals to break the monotony of lengthy text.
  6. Words to be set in italics should be set in italics, not to be underlined.
  7. Abbreviations and acronyms should be spelt out at first mention unless they are well known to the readers.
  8. Pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the page after the title page. Mathematical symbols and Greek letters should be clearly marked to indicate italics, boldface, superscript, and subscript.
  9. Supply an abstract not more than 200 words in one paragraph.
  10. After the abstract, mention maximum of five keywords used in the article.

Author Identification

  1. The first page of the manuscript should be the title page and it should include the following:
  2. Title of the manuscript should be boldfaced, centred, and in Upper Lowercase
  3. Author’(s) name should be boldfaced, centred, and in Upper Lowercase
  4. Designation and affiliation details should be centred and in Upper Lowercase
  5. The email address of the corresponding author should be provided
  6. The complete title of the article and the name of the author(s) should be typed only on the first page to ensure anonymity in the review process.
  7. Subsequent pages should have no author names but should carry the title at the top. The corresponding author should submit a complete address, telephone number, and e-mail addresses.
  8. The purpose of tables and figures is to present data to the reader in a clear and unambiguous manner. The author should not describe the data in the text in such detail that illustration or text is redundant. Figures and tables should be keyed to the text. Each table should be typed on a separate sheet and attached at the end of the manuscript (after the references). Tables will be typeset. Clear notes should be made at the appropriate point of insertion in the text.
  9. Headings: First, second, and third-level headings should be according to the sample paper.
  10. Tables: Tables should be according to the sample paper.
  11. Figures: Figures should be according to the sample paper.
  12. References: Reference should be according to APA 6th Manual.
  13. Style & Format of the article should be well-written/well-developed/well-organized. Grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, word-processing, and proofreading must be accurate.
  14. The contributors are advised to follow the latest version of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), for reference.
  15. The accuracy and completeness of all references is the responsibility of the author(s).
  16.  A reference list should contain only those references that are cited in the text.
  17. Reference notes referring to material that is not readily available to the public (e.g., reports of limited circulation, unpublished works, personal communications, papers presented at meetings, technical reports, and works in progress) should include as much information as possible to make them retrievable.