The Journal of Research and Reflections in Education (JRRE) is categorized as “Y” in the journals of social science by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. The journal has open access for the general public. It is double-blind peer-reviewed published by the University of Education, Lahore, Pakistan. It is a journal of education and social science, which has been published twice a year. The JRRE is a refereed interdisciplinary journal publishes articles relating to education covering a wide range of areas relating to (a) social, natural and life sciences, and (b) arts, culture and philosophy. The core aim of the journal is to publish research related to the areas of education, and social science to contribute to the theory and relevant literature. The students, academicians, authors and faculty publish their empirical experience related to social science in this journal. The JRRE provides a forum, for the publication of empirical papers from the field of education and all dimensions of education.