Bachelor of Science in History


The main objectives of the program are:

  • To provide wide range of both general and specialized training within the field of history.
  • inculcate historical consciousness about the human past
  • instill analytical and interpretative approach towards historical facts
  • To provide an in-depth, critical introduction to the theoretical, conceptual and epistemological foundations of the academic discipline of History.
  • To locate the role of masses in the course of history, particularly the role of marginalized groups and subaltern classes.
  • To acquaint the students with main political events, cultural and intellectual debates, religious movements and social issues.
  • To apprise the students with multiple approaches and diverse perspectives on the development of human society.
  • To make the students aware of the development in the world history.
  • To develop awareness among the students about the cultural heritage in South Asia and the world at large.
  • To furnish students with the knowledge of political, constitutional and historical development in Pakistan before and after 1947.
  • To train the students to use historical knowledge to resolve the socioeconomic, political and intellectual problems of state and society.
  • To turn the students into a competent independent researcher.

Entry Requirements

Students having Intermediate or equivalent of education (minimum 2nd Division) are eligible to apply

Age Limit

Age limit is not applicable in this program.

Merit Calculator

As per University of Education Rules and Regulations.

Degree Requirement

As per University of Education Rules and Regulations.