Sr # | Description |
1 | 19. SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness Programs for Online and In-Person, Feb 10,2021, CEU. |
2 | 18. ProQuest's Introduction to Publishing in Academic Journals, Dec 8,2020, Higher Education Commission, Islamabad. |
3 | 17. Reference Styles to Write a Research Papers, Jan 28,2021, Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Center, Karachi. |
4 | 16. How Scopus is helpful for research in the Pharma Industry, Feb 24,2021, Bright Talk |
5 | 15.Tips for Publishing in Premium Journals, June 16, 2020, Bright Talk |
6 | 14. IMUN Online Conference46.0, India, February 27-28, 2021. |
7 | 13. AWSOME DAY Online Conference, November 04,2020. |
8 | 12. “Public Sector Summit Online”, AWS, October 20, 2020. |
9 | 11. “Self-enabling Vehicular Agent using cloud and massive data”, 4th National Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, at LGU, September 23-24, 2020. |
10 | 10. “Invited Speaker” at 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Allied Technology, LGU, Lahore, November 27-28.2019. |
11 | 9. “Prospects and Development of E-learning and E-leadership”, 7th International Conference of Education at Division of Education, University of Education, Lahore, April 10-11, 2919. |
12 | 8. “Quantum Cognitive Intrusion Detection Biometric System: a case study in Fingerprints”, 1st International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation, at Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore, April 2-4, 2019. |
13 | 7. “Linear Classification of Traumatic Brain Injury using Perceptron Neural Network”, 1st International Conference held at Lahore Garrison University, December 19-20, 2018. |
14 | 6. “Pakistan International Airline Revenue Optimization using Dynamic Programming for Yield Management”, in 2nd National Conference of Computer Science and Information Technology, 28-29 March, 2018 at Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan. |
15 | 5. “Strengthening the Security of Cognitive Packet Networks by Using RNN”, presented in 1st National Conference of Computer Science and Information Technology 3-4, May,2017 at Lahore Garrison University, Lahore. |
16 | 4. “Self-Differentiating Real-time and Synthetic Voices System” , presented in 1st International Conference of Indigenous Resource Management: Challenges & Opportunities, UMSIT, Kotli, AJK, April 14-16, 2016. |
17 | 3. “Dynamic Ontologies Evaluation Framework using Quantum Perceptron Neural Network”, presented in 9th ICOSST 2015 at UET, Lahore, December 17-19, 2015. |
18 | 2. “Quantum Learning for Semantic Inference using Dynamic Ontology”, presented in 1st Doctoral Conference at UMT, December 07, 2013. |
19 | 1. Participated in the 2nd International Conference, held at University of Management Technology, dated 28-29 March, 2012 as “presenter” and presents my paper regarding “Computerize Monitoring of Noise & Dust level at road crossings of Lahore”. |
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