Sr # | Description |
1 | 12. “Energy Reduction Through Memory Aware Real-Time Scheduling on Virtual Machine in Multi-Cores Server, IEEE Access (IF-3.745), April, 2021. |
2 | 11. “Machine Learning Enabled Early Detection of Breast Cancer by Structural Analysis of Mammograms (IF-4.89)”, Journal of Computers, Materials & Continua, January 2021. |
3 | 10. “Machine Learning Empowered Security Management and Quality of Service Provision in SDN-NFV Environment (IF-4.89)”, Journal of Computers, Materials & Continua, January 2021. |
4 | 9. “Prediction of COVID-19 Cases Using Machine Learning for Effective Public Health Management (IF-4.89)”, Journal of Computers, Materials & Continua, January 2021. |
5 | 8. “A secure and size efficient algorithm to enhance data hiding capacity and security of cover text by using Unicode”, Journal of King Saud University Computer and Information Sciences, July 2020. |
6 | 7. “ANFIS based Hybrid Approach Identifying Correlation between Decision Making and Online Social Networks”, EAI Endorsed Transactions, July 2020. |
7 | 6. “Enhancing Security of Android Operating System Based Phones using Quantum Key Distribution”, EAI Endorsed Transactions, June, 2020. |
8 | 5. “Primary User Traffic Pattern Based Opportunistic Spectrum Handoff in Cognitive Radio Networks (IF-2.71)”, Appl. Sci. MDPI, Vol 10, Issue 1674, February 2020. |
9 | 4. “University Information with LMS Facilities for Pupils and Lecturers in a Pin Board Android Mobile Application”, IJCSNS, Vol 20, Issue 1, January 2020. |
10 | 3. “Enhancing Cloud Security using VKC as a Service”, IJCSNS, Vol 17, Issue.6, June-2017. |
11 | 2 “Information Protection in Cognitive Science”, IJCSNS, Vol.17, Issue.3, March-2017. |
12 | 1. “Forecasting of Intellectual Capital by measuring innovation using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System”, International Research of Applied Sciences. ISSN: 2411-667X, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2015. |
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