Quality Enhancement Cells in UE

Quality Enhancement Cells in HEIs: Quality Assurance in education plays a pivotal role in ensuring the consistent delivery of high-quality education and fostering continuous improvement in academic institutions. The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) is committed to elevating the standard of education by implementing a comprehensive strategy across various areas.

Establishment of QEC in Affiliated institutions: Complying with policies of HEC QAA, University of Education, Lahore has established and strengthened the QEC at Affiliated Colleges (QECACs). The objective of these QECACs is to implement the HEC policies/practices in true letter and spirit to provide quality education to students.


  1. These cells serve as central units responsible for monitoring and enhancing the quality of education by developing and implementing quality assurance policies, procedures, and practices.

  2. By instating QECs, institutions are better equipped to identify areas for improvement and implement measures to enhance the overall learning experience.

Establishment of QEC in UE Affiliated Colleges (QECAC)

Quality Enhancement Cell at University of Education has initiated assessment and evaluation of all the degree programs. QEC is involved in enhancing managerial and administrative staff aptitude in execution of quality reassurance and assessment techniques, in UE Affiliated Colleges.

Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) established QEC’s in all the Affiliated Colleges and appointed focal persons.